The meeting was called to order by Regional Executive Scott Newton at 7:18PM, Wednesday, February 13, 2013 at the American Legion Hall in Liverpool, New York. Some 17 people were on hand.

The first order of business was some good-natured hazing of our new R.E. by just-past, long time R.E. Mike Donofrio, obviously happy to sitting in the group attending, rather than at the front of the room. And Scott appeared ready to go, at the front of the room!

Scott reported on plans for the Syracuse Auto Expo coming up over the next four days following the meeting. The auto show organizers donated space for the club to have a table at the show with room for a couple of cars to be displayed. Scott and members Rob Sgarlata, James Quattro, Ed Leubner, Mike Gagliardi, Dustin Ehrlich, Evan Haas, and likely others will be manning the booth over the show's run.

Scott mentioned that he has supplied the official "SCCA Gear" vendor a copy of our Region logo, so members can buy clothing and other items with our CNYR logo on them. There may be some group buys organized in the near future.

Assistant R.E. Ed Leubner reported on the success of the Region's Annual Awards Banquet in January, organized by Activities Chair Rob Sgarlata. But Ed failed to mentioned that he had been named as the Club's "Member of the Year" at that banquet.

Secretary Bob Holcomb is away, for his Florida Flagging Festival. Secretary pro-tem Jon Coffin moved that meeting minutes for November and December, as published on-line in the January Snarling Exhaust be accepted. Seconded by Karl Hughes and passed.

Treasurer Jay Cartini said he'll be sending out bills shortly to SOLO sponsors and Snarling advertisers.

Rob Sgarlata, Activites, reported about 50 people turned out for the Banquet, and he thanked sponsors RACEShopper and Delta Sonic among others. Our next meeting, March 13, will be at the Pole Position go-kart raceway at Destiny/Carousel with racing planned at 7PM. And the Summer Picnic will be the second Wednesday in August, the 14th, at the Onondaga Yacht Club, at 6PM. Lee Hidy will make the request to use the facility, and Jay will get in touch with the caterer we've been using.

Mark Bizzozero had lots of news in his SOLO report. He announced a van cleaning and SOLO meeting at his house Sunday, April 7. That'll be in Weedsport, at 9014 Jackson Street, starting at 1PM, with pizza and wings as an enticement. And talking with Solo Safety Steward Instructor Jon Coffin, plans were made for a SSS Seminar at the American Legion Hall in Liverpool, at 6PM, Wednesday, May 8, just before the General Membership regular meeting. The Seminar is open to any member interested in keeping our SOLOs running smoothly and safely, and for any Safety Stewards already licensed who want to "upgrade" their credentials with a National hardcard with photo with a three-year term.

And Mark laid out the 2013 CNY SOLO schedule, starting with an event Sunday, April 28, at Shoppingtown, in the lot we used last fall; next an event Sunday, June 2, at the Cherry Valley Go-kart track, then an event at the McLean-Groton-Cortland Microd track Sunday, June 30, followed by the Cherry Valley Enduro on Sunday, July 28, with an August event TBD, the Cherry Valley Day and Night events on Saturday, September 21, and closing with an event on the larger back lot at Shoppingtown on Sunday, November 3, an event which, counted separated and timed cumulatively will count as a tarmac event for the Region's rallycrossers. It's an exciting schedule to hear about, and type up for the minutes.

Rallycross Chair James Quattro talked about a Finger Lakes Ice Racing Association date at Black Rock Speedway in Dundee the Sunday before, February 10. It was a European-style Rallycross/Race on the snow and ice-covered (mostly) frozen clay at the Speedway. And there were some SOLO timed tuns over the course. A dozen drivers showed up, with four or so of them being our regulars. And James said it was fun, interesting.

James also reminded us an SCCA National Rallycross Challenge event will be held on the grounds of the Central New York Raceway Park May 18 & 19, as that's an event that will run well on hard and soft-packed dirt, gravel and grass, all of which are likely to be present at CNYRP in the Spring!

Also, James said he's likely to be named the Rallycross Steward for the Northeast Division for next year.

On the Road Rally front, Frank Beyer was on hand and told of plans for a Regional Invitational Rally Saturday, March 9. It'll run out of the Cooperstown area, and will entertain competitors with eight hours, or so, of driving. Frank is planning to be able to handle 30 to 40 entrants, and has participation commitments from some SCCA national Rally usual suspects. He says he's got enough worker volunteers, although if anyone sees this ahead of time, they could contact Frank by email at for more information about the event.

In old business, Mike Gagliardi, Rex Franklin and others commented on a Hastings Town public hearing a couple of weeks prior, about the Raceway Park project in Central Square. Reportedly, the session was generally positive, with some concerns expressed about noise and traffic which will be generated by events there. There will be another town public hearing in March.

And, in new business, Karl Hughes mentioned that former member George Diehl, who had been living most recently in Colorado, passed away January 24.

Jon Coffin asked about the Northeast Division Roundtable (conference) coming up March 15-17 in Pocono Manor in Pennsylvania. James Quattro will be going, for the Rallycross sessions. And there was affirmation of a past Region policy of covering the registration cost, for up to two Region members who attend and present a report, on a motion by Lee Hidy, with a second by Mike Donofrio, and a positive vote.

Karl Hughes talked about the fun and value of a recent ice race he went to, 45 drivers, $50 cost, good bang for the buck (or is that good buck for the bang, oops!)

The meeting closed at 8:35PM on a motion by Lee Hidy, again seconded by Mike Donofrio.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Secretary pro-tem Jon Coffin.

Copyright © 2025, Central NY Region, SCCA, Inc.