The monthly meeting of the Central New York Region of the Sports Car Club of America was called to order February 10, 2016 at 7:31 PM at the American Legion Hall in Liverpool by Assistant Regional Executive Mark Bizzozero. Approximately 20 members were in attendance. A motion was made by Rex Franklin to approve the minutes of the December meeting; it was seconded by Mike Gagliardi and passed unanimously by voice vote.
Regional Executive's Report (in absentia)
A.R.E. Bizzozero read R.E. Ed Leubner's report:
"I am unable to attend tonight's meeting because I am traveling for work. Thank you Mark for running the meeting!
"Thank you to Ted for a great banquet!" (Applause by all in attendance.)
"Congratulations to Member of the Year Gerrit VanVranken!" Gerrit was unable to attend our annual banquet and excepted his award this evening. (Applause by all in attendance.)
"Congratulations to Mick Levy, Northeast Division Worker of the Year." NeDiv is comprised of 20 regions, so this is quite an honor. (Applause by all in attendance.)
"The By-Laws (dated 1993) have been typed into a Microsoft Word file. We are currently working on proposed changes to update them. Proposals will be distributed shortly.
"Our Renewal for Regional Charter has been submitted to National."
Assistant Regional Executive's Report
A.R.E. Bizzozero had noting to report.
Secretary's Report
Nothing to report. (Previous meeting minutes were approved earlier in the meeting.)
Treasury Report
Treasurer Jay Cartini reported an opening balance of $7,019.15 on January 1, 2016 and a closing balance of $9,255.92 on January 31, 2016. Income for the month totaled $4,505.58 which includes donations to the trailer fund. Expenses for January were $2,268.81, the bulk of which were for our annual banquet.
Cartini reported 43 attendees at the banquet. The club received $900.00 in ticket sales and $80.00 in 50/50 raffle sales for the event. Expenses for the event included $1,286.26 to Borio's (banquet hall) and $79.98 to Carvel (ice cream cake). The Treasurer noted that Borio's did not charge us for the 15 people who RSVPed to the event, but did not attend. A discussion ensued regarding a possible savings of $75 at future Borio's events by the omission of a dedicated bar tender.
Treasure Cartini also submitted an M&T Bank statement with a beginning balance of $5,990.98 on December 19, 2015 and ending bank balance of $9,463.19 on January 20, 2016.
At the conclusion of report, Mark Bizzozero made a $50 cash donation to the club, noting that he was unable to attend the banquet due to a conflicting obligation.
Activities Report
Activities Chair Ted Barbuto thanked everyone who helped make the banquet another successful event. Our next planned event is for the second week in August at Onondaga Lake Park. James Quattro commented that CNYRP will likely offer us the opportunity to hold events at their soon to be built facility at deep discount, possibly free.
Solo Report
Solo Chair Scott Newton reported that Cayuga Community College is happy to have us again at their Fulton Campus this season as is our long-time host, Cherry Valley Motor Park. As with last year, CCC Fulton will be available to us only on Saturdays. Were are very optimistic that we will have at least one date in the fall at CNYRP. Due to the excessive fees, we a not considering NYS Fairgrounds at this time. Because we have a great deal of flexibility from our site hosts, Solo Chair Newton is waiting until most of the neighboring regions and GVC BMW CCA set their schedule so we can avoid conflicts. Mark Mangicaro noted that both FLR and GVC have already posted schedules and expects that Glen and SNY will post soon. While writing the minutes Mangicaro also found a tentative 2016 schedule for MoHud and sent it to Newton.
Insurance for the soon to be acquired trailer had been a topic of discussion among several members since the last meeting. Newton reported that the club's insurance will cover the trailer while it is parked and that the tow vehicle's insurance covers it while it is being towed. Since individual policies vary we will need to be mindful of the specific tow vehicle policy whenever the trailer is being moved.
Absent any extremely attractive (i.e. free or almost free) offer of a safe, solid, and usable enclosed trailer, we have pretty much decided that a 7x16 unit with a rear ramp door and a concession window (or at least framing for a future window) is the way we want to go. Regarding the procurement of said trailer, lead time to have one built is about a month from the various vendors, so if we do not make a purchase decision at the next meeting, we will likely have to find alternate transportation for our gear to the first event of the season.
RallyCross Report
RallyCross Chair James Quattro reported that our first event of the season was held at what will soon be CNYRP utilizing some of their access roads. Fourteen entrants enjoyed four runs each before the bracket. The 1.1 mile course started icy and ended muddy. Photos can be viewed on the RallyCross Facebook page. The next event is February 28th and will again be at CNYRP. February's rallycross will be held where the track will eventually go.
Central New York Raceway Park Report
James Quattro reported that the track is moving along. Current work is focused on the road course. They are moving 10,000 cubic yards of dirt per day. The heavy equipment utilizes GPS to ensure precise movement and elevation. Quattro noted that CNYRP anticipates construction will begin on the timing tower in March.
Flagging & Communications Report
A.R.E. Bizzozero read R.E. Leubner's comments via e-mail, "The SCCA and most sanctioning bodies have extended the use of 2005 helmets for another year."
Membership Report
A.R.E. Bizzozero read R.E. Leubner's comments via e-mail, "Congratulations to Karl Hughes who celebrates 25 years as a member in the month of February." (Applause form all in attendance.)
Old Business
SADA Auto Expo is February 11-14 at the OnCenter. Several members have already volunteered for shifts. Scott Newton passed around a sheet for additional signup. Workers can obtain free admission by stopping by the OnCenter office to obtain a wrist band. Parking may also be validated. We will have weekend memberships to give away. CNYRP will be collaborating with us for this event and will provide a backdrop and a 32" monitor with DVD player.
New Business
Motorsports Expo will be March 12 & 13th. We will have a booth.
Syracuse Motorama is April 2nd and 3rd. We will have a booth.
Rex Franklin mentioned the Northeast Classic Car Museum in Norwich is a fun place to visit. About half the people present mentioned that they have also been there and enjoyed it. Mark Mangicaro noted that in addition to having one of the largest collection of Franklin automobiles in the world, NECCM also has a Duesenberg.
Next meeting is Wednesday, March 9th at 7:00PM.
A motion was made by Lee Hidy to adjourn the meeting; it was seconded by Mike Gagliardi and passed unanimously by voice vote.
Respectfully submitted by Mark Mangicaro