CNYR SCCA Meeting Minutes For Wed., March 14th, 2012

The monthly meeting of the Central New York Region of the Sports Car Club of America was called to order at 7:25PM Wednesday, March 14, at the American Legion Hall in Liverpool by Regional Executive Mike Donofrio. Some 16 members were in attendance.

Amid calls to keep it moving, R.E. Mike Donofrio had no report.

As he had let us know at the last meeting, Assistant R.E. Ed Leubner was not on hand; no Ass't R.E. report.

Temporary Secretary Jon Coffin, wondering where Secreatry Bob Holcomb's email report was going to come from, moved that the February meeting minutes be accepted as posted in the March "SNARLING EXHAUST", unless there were corrections from the crowd. Seconded by Mark Bizzozero, and passed.

Treasurer Jay Cartini assured us we do still have some money, but that it could go quickly to some events we may have upcoming. Bills are out for all current sponsors and ads in the SNARLING and on the website, and all past, past due advertisers have been culled from the Region's dsiplays.

SOLO Chair Mark Bizzozero updated us on where some of our money might go, in that the Fairgrounds has increased its cost for autocross site rental by more than $500 to some $1788/event. And there was general agreement that we would try (just) one event at the Fair at that cost in 2012. There will be emphasis put on trying to coordinate and promote the event with some other local car clubs, and it was noted the Finger Lakes Region dropped its plans to host an event there in 2012 because of the cost. In good news, there may be access again to a site at Shoppingtown Mall as management at that facility has changed recently. And, there may be access again to the Mid-State Microd track west of Cortland.
That is a site where we held events some 20 years ago, or so, and where some Southern New York and Glen Region members could readily attend. With our light snow this winter, Mark is moving our season opener to Cherry Valley Motorpsorts Park, so our first SOLO will be April 22 in Lafayette.

Rallycross Chair James Quattro updated us on where some of our money might come from, reporting on a heavily-attended event February 25 at Walczyk's Farm in Weedsport. There were 23 entrants, and about 18 were first-time rallycrossers! Re-emphasizing that timing is everything, this night event was on the same weekend as an Audi Club get-together in the Adirondacks, and many of those attendees came down to our Rallycross. And James went on to sell several of the drivers multi-event passes for 2012 at some discount while assuring some number of entrants for later events! And James re-iterated rallycross interest in the Central New York Raceway Park venue when that becomes available. He asked the question, might access to the property be possible for a rallycross before pavement was laid?

Neither Rob Sgarlata, nor Mick Levy were at the meeting, so we missed Activities and Flagging and Commnications reports.

As new business, Scott Newton and others talked about the success of the recent Motorsports Expo at the Fairgrounds. The Central New York Raceway Park group had show space, and made room for SCCA also, and some of our members helped start the booth over the weekend. We were able to display a banner, and some autocross videos, and Scott, along with Mike Gagliardi, Dustin Ehrlich, Jay Cartini and Ted Barbuto talked up the Club to passers-by.

Rex Franklin mentioned the recent death of a long-time member of the region. Greg VanSlyke died March 4th. There were expressions of sorrow, sympathy for his wife Melodye, and the sentiment that he was too young. Greg was an active road racer and team owner/manager of an IT Nissan run very successfully at the Glen. He was 59 years old.

Bruce Parker brought up the importance of Region members becoming familiar with road racing worker duties so we can be a real aid to the CNYRP operation next year. A new road course in our region is an opportunity not to be missed! Other car club groups will want the chance we have immediately, and may bump us aside if we don't offer real help and expertise to the track operations. Dave Kicak said he would check with the other road-racing regions in New York to find out more about the real needs for workers to run a race. And Bruce and Mike Gagliardi said they would investigate further the training required and the track needs anticipated. This is a topic of great interest, and further discussion will come up next month and beyond.

Membership Chair Andy Beyer passed along information on the Region makeup. We have 161 members, and 102 are regular members, 46 are family memers, 12 are First Gear members, and we have a life member, Chris Whaley. Listed as new members, in January are Glenn Donnelly of Weedsport (the principal behind CNYRP), and John Lehmann from Kirkville (the lead spokesman for CNYRP) along with his wife Wendy, and also in January, Joe and Kathryn Boardman from Rome. In February, new members included Vincent Basile from Montreal, Quebec, Jeff Virnoche of Lafayette, and John Wiley from Marietta. And recent membership anniversaries include 35 years for John Goss of Jamesville and Tom Shaughnessy from Watertown. January renewals after a year include Mike Griswold of Syracuse, and Kyle Adamo from Minoa. February anniversaries, for five years, were noted for Ken Dustin from Quebec, and Stephen Kwasnik of Syracuse.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:45PM on a motion by Rex Franklin, seconded by Ed Heffron.

Respectfully submitted by Secretary Pro Tem Jon Coffin.

Copyright © 2025, Central NY Region, SCCA, Inc.