The March meeting of the Central New York Region of the Sports Car Club of America was called to order at 7:15pm, March 11, 2015 by Regional Executive Ed Leubner at the American Legion Hall in Liverpool. Some 16 people were there.

At the R.E.'s request, Mike Gagliardi moved, and Mark Mangicaro seconded that the minutes of the February meeting, as posted on the Region website, be accepted as presented. There were no additions or corrections. The motion passed.

The Treasurer, Jay Cartini, was not on hand. It seems we have some money, unless Jay has spent it all.

Ed Leubner reported on activity at the Syracuse Auto Expo in February. Mike Gagliardi had his Cobra, and Scott Newton had his go-kart, and Gerrit VanVranken had his Mazdaspeed3 on display in our booth. And several other people helped. (Apologies, I missed their names.)

Ed mentioned a presentation by Mick Levy and Mike Fuller about raceworking the end of February at the Liverpool Library which unfortunately was very lightly attended. This element of our Club activity will be critical to our Region's involvement with the racing at Central New York Raceway Park in Central Square. There is another training session for volunteer workers coming up, the Motorsports Safety Seminar, at Watkins Glen in April.

While Watkins Glen International will not be available for racing this season after the NASCAR event in August, because it is being completely repaved, the R.E told us the annual Watkins Glen (Village) Grand Prix Celebration will be held Friday, September 11. This includes car shows and paced tours of the original, 8-mile long road race course, and Mazda Miatas will be the featured marque. Volunteers for this event are welcome.

The Assistant R.E., Mark Bizzozero, had no report.

The acting Secretary, Jon Coffin, had no report. There was a brief hubbub about the fire at our Secretary, Bob Holcomb's house just a couple of days after our last meeting. It seems a neighbor parks his truck in Bob's driveway many evenings over the winter, and that mysteriously, at 3 o'clock, or so, in the morning, it started on fire. Bob's garage, and siding on the house, were damaged, but repairs are underway, Fortunately no one was hurt.

Activities Director Ted Barbuto said he's open to suggestions for Region events beyond our SOLOs and Rallycrosses and monthly meetings. And, the annual picnic, at the Yacht Club on Onondaga Lake is set for August 12th. That's a fun deal!

Scott Newton, SOLO Chair, has lined up Specialty Chiefs for the season. He's still looking for a volunteer to lead tech, but in place are Gerrit VanVranken handling worker assignments, Randy Humphreys on the registration table, and Chis Gifford and Kyle Rashford doing timing duties.

And Scott ran through the Solo schedule, starting on Saturday, May 2, in Fulton, and finishing up in October in Central Square. While some events are tentative, check our website for the latest. The big event is at the Fairgrounds, June 28, and it is on the Finger Lakes Region's schedule as one of their points events. An event of their's, on August 9 at Monroe Community College, is a points event in our series.

James Quattro reported on Rallycross. There was a 'Cross February 28, at Walczyk's Farm, with 16 competitors, some from as far away as Toronto, Ontario. And Finger Lakes Region members have come out as the site they've used frequently in the past is not available at this time. There's another night Rallycross at Walczyk's March 28. And the next (hoped for) event after that is in May at CNYRP.

Mike Gagliardi talked about continuing progress at the Raceway. A lot of dirt is being moved around, and removed, even during the winter, and the elements of the site's sanitation system are being developed.

In old business, Quattro reported on the NEDIV convention in the Poconos the beginning of March. He reiterated the need for race workers for CNYRP, and said he's talked with Finger Lakes and Glen Region members who will be manning many of the Raceway specialties, at least initially, but that, locally, we will all be better off when we are assisting with those positions ourselves. James will be coordinating much of the SCCA activity with the track when it gets up and going.

Ed brought up the Motorama at the Fairgrounds the end of March, and organized, with the folks on hand at this meeting, our participation in that show.

And Leubner asked the question of how much value working these shows was to our Region. After throwing around some ideas, it was decided to produce some promo cards, to be given out at the shows, which may be turned in at our events for a bonus, or discount on that event. This will give us a chance to track a direct connection between a show and participation in one of our later events.

James Q talked a little more about the NEDIV Roundtable, that he had gone to learn more about roadracing, as he hasn't known much about that part of the club, and he went to promote that Central New York Raceway Park is coming on line. And he can see how the SCCA is trying to shape some of its events more as family activities. He reported that SCCA Board President John Walsh, who is from Rochester, would like to see one of the Club's new "Race Night America" events at CNYRP in the (near) future. And James prompted us that the next Divisional Mini-Con is coming up November 13 and 14 in Saratoga Springs, organized by the Mohawk-Hudson Region, and perhaps we should bid for a Divisional Conference at CNYRP soon.

We wrapped up our meeting with Chris Murphy winning $17 in the 50/50.

On a motion by Lee Hidy, seconded by Rex Franklin, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm.

Respectfully submitted by Secretary Pro-tem Jon Coffin.

Copyright © 2025, Central NY Region, SCCA, Inc.