Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 7:16 p.m. by Asst. R.E. Ed Leubner.

R.E.REPORT: Scott Newton was absent , no report.

ASST.R.E. REPORT: Ed Leubner said that thanks to the SOLO Safety Steward training session held before the start of our regular business meeting, we will have 3 or possibly 4 new SOLO Safety Stewards signed off.
Ed said he had attended a recent Monday/Tuesday track day session at Watkins Glen and despite inclement weather, had a good time.
He also mentioned meeting some Eaton-Crouse Hinds employees from the Roanoke, VA area who participate in SOLO events down there. They told him that they average up to 70 entrants per event part of which is due to participants from local colleges.
A general question was raised about some form of advertising (SCCA, CNYR SCCA, SOLO or such) at the DestiNY kart facility and Ed thought that perhaps Scott Newton could look into that.

SECRETARY/F&C REPORT: Bob Holcomb asked for motion to accept the April meeting minutes as they appeared on our web-site. Leo Sawyer so moved, Lee Hidy seconded, motion carried.
Bob (in the absence of F&C Chief Mick Levy) also discussed some F&C and racing issues at Watkins Glen.
Race Services, Inc. which is contracted with WGI to provide workers for all WGI events is currently in desperate need of flaggers. Bob asked that anyone with F&C experience to please come to the SCCA events at WGI in July, Sept. and Oct. to help out.
A short discussion was held by Bob on flagging and how well most drivers pick up the flags during events even when they are doing such things as making a pass.
Lee Hidy mentioned a recent “senior racer” memory hiccup. While recently driving he noticed a yellow moving object in the corner of his vision as he followed another vehicle and his immediate reaction was to let off the gas…much laughter followed, especially when the moving yellow was one of those tall figures that moves by having air forced up a long cloth or plastic tube and is meant to attract attention in front of car dealers, oil change places, etc.
Bob also mentioned that he had heard from Chairman of The Board of SCCA John Walsh back in March that John had hoped to make either the April or May CNYR SCCA meeting. Neither happened, but there are always other meetings.

TREASURER REPORT: Jay Cartini said that as of the meeting date we are current with all collections.
Also, that all billings for advertising and sponsorships have been mailed out. The down payment to the NYS Fairgrounds for use of their lot for a SOLO event was made and only the remainder of the payment needs to be made.

SOLO REPORT: Mark Bizzozero said that our first event of 2014 was held April 27th at the Cherry Valley kart track and despite cold and wet weather, the 34 entrants had a good time and averaged 7 runs.
The next event will be May 18th at the Microd Track in Groton. Mark will send e-mails and have further information on our web-site.
Following that, we will have an event at the NYS Fairgrounds on June 22nd.
Rob Sgarlata will be the Chair and work on set up.
Anyone that can help in set up, please contact Rob.
Ed Leubner said the Valley Plaza location we had been seeking for SOLO events is a definite NO…the owner is in the New York City area and gave a thumbs down to our use of the lot.
Ed also said that he believes that Scott Newton is still checking on possible SOLO locations in the general Fulton area.

ACTIVITIES REPORT: Rob Sgarlata said he had nothing new other than the Annual Picnic will be held at the Onondaga Yacht Club, off Sycamore St. in Liverpool on Wed., August 13, 2014. Time and prices will be made available .

RALLY CROSS: Jim Quattro said that two events have been held recently, one in April and one in May with a good time had by the entrants.
A new Chief is needed as our current Chief recently moved to Charlotte, NC due to his job. Jim will offer what help he can in the meantime.
Jim will chair the Rally Cross event during the Wellsboro, PA STPR Rally in late May.
He is also working with WGI to obtain an off track location to hold N.E.Division Championship Rally Cross events…
Jim also suggested using our web-site for a quarterly Rally Cross newsletter.

CNYRP UPDATE: Mike Gagliardi said Glen Donnelly is requesting information from us and from other groups and tracks as to what amenities CNYRP should offer. Some discussion followed with most agreeing that the various track web-sites should be checked for information. Mike said that Mr. Donnelly hopes to attend an upcoming CNYR meeting soon to update us on progress, needs, etc.
For the formal ground breaking, Gov. Andrew Cuomo is scheduled to appear and turn one of the first shovels of dirt, which should happen as soon as the last of the signed off paperwork arrives.



50/50: The 50/50 Raffle was won by Bob Holcomb for $18.

ADJOURNMENT: Lee Hidy made a motion to adjourn, Ted Barbuto seconded, motion carried, meeting adjourned at 7:57 p.m.

Submitted by: Bob Holcomb, Sec.

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