CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:08 p.m. by R.E. Ed Leubner.
R.E. REPORT: R.E. Ed Leubner welcomed all to the May meeting.
As Secretary Bob Holcomb had been on a Snow Bird sabbatical Ed moved that the April, 2015 minutes as submitted by Sec. Pro-Tem Jon Coffin be approved as they appeared on our web site. Leo Sawyer moved, and Rex Franklin seconded, minutes were approved.
Ed said that we hoped to have a new issue of Snarling Exhaust on our website by fall so it may cover the summer activities of the region.
Our charter from National is approved and the actual paperwork should arrive any day.
Ed mentioned the late April Tire Rack Street Survival School held in Rochester at the Xerox parking lot. Approximately 24 students attended and were divided into 4 groups and the school included field work and classroom work.
According to Ed for CNYR to hold a school is something that would need advance planning for up to a half year and assistance from other regions such as Glen Region which is scheduled to hold a school at Watkins Glen International in the fall.
ASST.R.E.REPORT: Mark Bizzozero said that he was very disappointed in missing his first CNYR SOLO event in years on May 2nd due to “work” and other than that he had nothing new to report.
TREASURER REPORT: Jay Cartini said that all advertisers and SOLO sponsors have paid us and that the SOLO van is at J&J being brought up to snuff so that it will pass the NYS inspection. Jay did not have an estimate on repair costs at this time. Jay also said that the rental fee has been paid to the NYS Fair for our June 28th SOLO date and we are working on insurance for the event.
SECRETARY REPORT: Bob Holcomb bored the attendees with tales of his six race events in Florida while Snow Birding (2 SCCA MAJORS, Homestead & Sebring; the Daytona 24 HRS, 2 SCCA Regionals at West Palm and one SCCA Regional at Daytona). Bob also updated the members on the repair of his home which sustained fire damage in February.
ACTIVITIES REPORT: Ted Barbuto said our annual summer picnic is set for Wednesday, August 12th at the Onondaga Yacht Club’s Onondaga Lake location. The time will be 6pm until 8pm and the cost will be $10 for adults and $5 for kids 12 and under. Also if you have a competition car and would like to bring it to display to the general public walking by the yacht club, please do so.
SOLO REPORT: Under the R.E. report Ed Leubner questioned whether there was a first aid kit in the SOLO van? Scott Newton said he would look into it.
Ed e-mailed our SOLO schedule to local car clubs such as Porsche, Corvette, etc., although no responses have currently been generated from this activity.
Scott Newton reported that our event held in Fulton was “great” with practically zero complaints and Scott thanked all the worker chiefs who helped at the event.
Our next event will be the Day/Nite event at Cherry Valley on May 30th. Scott suggested a “Dusk Run” format and averaging the best day run and night run to get a “best evening score”.
Several discussions followed including the need for more red flags. The cost of new flags vs. making new flags will be looked into (perhaps a sewing mother or mother-in-law would volunteer her
There is also a need for at least one more fire extinguisher, a new lime spreader and possibly some off color (such as green) cones. All of these things will be checked into by the SOLO Chief.
It was also mentioned that the Corning SAE team had been testing at DestiNY and perhaps they could be contacted about attending one of our events.
Jon Coffin (thank you very much for taking the meeting minutes while I Snow Birded by the way) will hold a Safety Steward Training Meeting at the Liverpool American Legion at 6 p.m. prior to our next
CNYR meeting on Wednesday, June 10th, 2015.
RALLY CROSS REPORT: Mark Bizzozero reported for Jim Quattro who was busy at that four letter word "work"
Jim’s report said that our last Rally Cross was on May 3rd at Central New York Raceway Park and was a lot of fun, although only 7 entrants attended. The track conditions were perfect and all of the entrants had a great time. Special thanks to CNYRP for providing the facility at no cost.
Jim said that the leadership at CNYRP was very pleased with the event.
There was one incident on the very last lap which resulted in a car rolling over due to a tire failure as the car entered a corner. The driver and passenger were okay and a report was sent to National although nothing had been heard back by our meeting time. A discussion followed on procedure for filing incident reports in the future and on costs involved in obtaining seat belt cutters for each station for future events.
Our next event will also be at CNYRP in Central Square on July 12th.
Jim also wrote that the STRP Charity Rally Cross will be held on June 7th in Wellsboro, PA.
In response to a question from the floor, it was said that in Rally Cross a passenger is allowed but the window must be ‘UP”.
F&C REPORT: Mick Levy mentioned the upcoming NARRA/SCCA weekend at Watkins Glen on May 16th and 17th. The SCCA group includes pro-F1600, F2000 and Atlantic.
Mick also said that due to NASCAR, WGI is installing larger catch fencing in front of several grandstand areas that had not previously received the heavier duty catch fencing.
CNYRP: Rex Franklin said work is progressing on site.
OLD BUSINESS: Ed Leubner mentioned the Cazenovia European Car Show at Lorenzo on June 21st but there was little interest especially with the event falling on Father’s Day and a BMW club event at Cherry Valley that weekend.
NEW BUSINESS: Jon Coffin mentioned that we need more new helmets for SOLO events, possibly “M” rated helmets.
Rex Franklin mentioned that his daughter Tammy also a CNYR member, was in hospital and had been for quite some time. The region extends it’s best to Tammy and hopes she has a successful
50-50: Won by Jon Coffin for $10.
ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn made by Rex Franklin, seconded by Scott Newton, approved and meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Submitted by Bob Holcomb, Secretary, CNYR SCCA