CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:14 p.m. by R.E. Ed Leubner.

R.E.REPORT: Ed Leubner welcomed everyone to the June, 2016 meeting.
Ed asked for a motion to approve the May meeting minutes as they appeared on our web site.
Leo Sawyer said that there needed to be a correction to a date he had given for a SOLO event at St. Lawrence Motorsports Park which should have been for Memorial Weekend vs. the weekend of May 15th. Mick Levy moved for approval of the minutes as corrected, Mike Donofrio 2nd, motion carried.
Ed mentioned that long time member Jon Coffin will soon be moving to new digs and that he had a gift for long time member Lee Hidy, a 1996 issue of Road & Track which had a picture of Lee running a SOLO event in his sprint car. Many memories were refreshed for Lee with the issue. In a contest run by TIRE RACK, Lee won $150 and pulled 1.093 G’s on a circular track. Some discussion followed including downforce devices now in use. Congrats to Lee!
Ed said he had received a reply from Sen. Gillibrand about correspondence he had sent to her concerning Sen. Bill 269 (Motorsports Act of 2016). She said she was concerned about it’s impact on the Clean Air Act and indicated she would be voting against the Bill.

ASST.R.E.REPORT: Mark Bizzozero said he had heard from Jon Coffin that Mark has received his 3 year SOLO Safety Stewardship.
Dr. Paul Grover mentioned that he found out he was also a 3 year SOLO Safety Steward, although he had received no formal paperwork at this point.

SECRETARY REPORT: Bob Holcomb mentioned that he had still not received acknowledgement for the check to Immaculate Conception Church in Fayetteville sent in memory of Jay Cartini’s father Carl. Bob had called the church and spoke to a representative who asked that she be used as contact person, so Bob sent a 2nd check to the church.**
He also reminded members in attendance that his home in Liverpool is for sale as his Snow Bird status will become a Homestead status in Florida soon.
** On Monday, June 13, 2016 Bob finally received confirmation that the 2nd check sent to Immaculate Conception Church had cleared the bank.

ACTIVITIES REPORT: Ted Barbuto said the region was represented at a recent gathering at Jeffreys Auto Body. Many members of a local Corvette Club attended but Ted (and others) thought that the upcoming June 18th event at CAN Tech on E. Taft Rd. will have more attendees from our target group.
Mike Donofrio got confirmation during the meeting that we can have a display set up for the 18th. It was requested that someone from the region contact CAN Tech on the 17th regarding set up for the 18th.
For our annual picnic, Ted suggested naming it The CNYR SCCA 2nd Annual Picnic & Car Show, hoping that the new name would encourage members to bring more cars to display to the walkers along the Parkway. Bob Holcomb suggested that those bringing cars for display be allowed to park them next to the walkway for better visibility while the rest use the rear of the parking area.
Lee Hidy verified that the date of Wednesday, August 10th is booked for us at the Onondaga Yacht Club location.
Hours will be roughly 6 to 8 p.m. with the same catering service as in the past, per Jay Cartini. Prices will be $10 for members and $5 for kids 12 and under.

TREASURER REPORT: Jay Cartini said that as of 5/31/2016 we have a balance of $10,857.79 in our bank account, but we will have several expenses coming up including paying for our new SOLO trailer.
The trailer is done, although it still needs logos, etc. and Jay welcomes suggestions as to where to have it wrapped. Ed Heffron said that sponsor J&J Automotive does wraps.
Jay asked that anyone having bills for him to please turn them in asap.

SOLO REPORT: Scott Newton said he recently spent $170 for needed supplies including radios, batteries, and misc. items.
So far we have held two events which included May 15th with weather of 40F and stiff winds. There were 30 entrants and one newbie did very well. The second event was June 5th, with periods of rain but warmer than the May event and again a newbie did very well showing many veterans SOLO runners how it’s done.
The May event had one car go off course, while the June event had different weather for different runs, with rain for the more experienced entrants and dry for the newbie group.
An Audi set FTD in the wet at one point. Then during the last few minutes of the final session a VW GTI took an off track excursion (not known if it was driver error or a mechanical issue) and ended up landing over a creek well off course which required an extensive amount of time to retrieve. The required report was filed.
Scott reported that the SOLO trophy case has gone missing and to cover the season he will obtain trophies for 1st place and class winners.
The television raffle to raise money for our SOLO trailer was won by Mark Mangicaro.
Jay Cartini has a copy of the old SOLO van registration which may be needed as proof of our organization when we apply for insurance on the trailer.
Mark Bizzozero welcomed any offers to help move stored SOLO items from his house on the 12th.
Our next event will be Sunday, June 19th at Fulton. Mark Mangicaro suggested having a Fathers Day promo, such as any entrant bringing their father, the father gets to run for free. Discussion followed, Mark made a motion, Mike Donofrio seconded, motion carried.

RALLY CROSS REPORT: Jim Quattro said that bad weather at Wellsboro, PA caused them to call their event which then became a test/tune with a reduced price. Most drivers got in 5 runs over a period of 3 to 4 hours.
Jim wanted to use some of entry fee profit to buy a new easy up for the program. Discussion followed and Mike Donofrio said that due to the conditions at many Rally Cross events, we should buy an E-Z Up brand vs. an inexpensive one that might only last one season. Mick Levy suggesting checking at Home Depot for the E-Z Up model. Jim Quattro said he may have an old SCION easy up and will check his storage.
Due to a scheduling issue, our next event is not 100%, but Jim thought around July 24th.
Chris Murphy added that several Rally Cross participants have been meeting to discuss issues and goals for the program, including establishing set start times for events, for example 9:30am for 2016 then 9am by 2017. Also having work assignments prior to the start of the event, delegation of responsibility, getting the course set the night before the events, clean up following the event, media contact, possibly offerings a hot lunch, etc., with the intent of helping improve the program and make each event run a bit smoother and attract more participants and make a profit which would be used to meet the goals of the program and provide for such things as a new computer.
Bill Meade and Chris Murphy are new Safety Stewards for the Rally Cross program. Congrats to them.

F&C REPORT: Mick Levy said Dave Kicak was driving at Chump Car Memorial Weekend.
Ed Leubner said that the #30 BMW ran 1st in class both days and 10th overall. Congrats guys.
Mick said that the annual Zone-1 Porsche Clash weekend was June 3rd to 5th at Watkins and was the usual exciting weekend, including a roll over exiting the loop on Friday.
The weekend of June 24th to 26th is the Glen MAJORS, followed by the Six Hours, and the Glen SCCA regional and of course, the INDY Cars/Ferrari Club on Labor Day weekend followed by SVRA.
Scott Newton said that John Croasdaile has indicated he would be available as an SCCA Steward for local track events for CNYR. Some discussion followed as few seemed to know the gentleman.

CNYRP: No report.

MEMBERSHIP: Ed Leubner said that Cheryl Stine (Gib’s better than average half) had her 40th anniversary with SCCA effective June 1st. CONGRATS CHERYL!

OLD BUSINESS: Ed Leubner said the By-Laws revisions are still being worked on.

NEW BUSINESS: Bill Meade offered a suggestion for our annual awards dinner in January, a farm to table restaurant in Sennett, NY, just west of Rolling Wheels Raceway. Bill will provide information to Ted Barbuto who will look into the location, as they are apparently willing to open just for us in January.
Dr. Paul Grover said he has a fender rolling tool on sale for $70.
Mark Mangicaro said that Bruce Feldman has a Miata (ITA?) for sale for a $5,000 asking price.

50-50 RAFFLE: Won for $10 by Mark Mangicaro who donated the $10 to the Rally Cross E-Z Up fund.

ADJOURN: Motion to adjourn made by Lee Hidy, seconded by Mick Levy, motion carried, meeting adjourned at 8:32 p.m.

Submitted by:
Bob Holcomb, Secretary

Copyright © 2024, Central NY Region, SCCA, Inc.