The July 2017 monthly meeting of the Central New York Region of the Sports Car Club of America was called to order at 7:07PM, Wednesday, July 12th, 2017 at the American Legion in Liverpool, NY by Regional Executive Ed Leubner. Sixteen people were in attendance.

Ed welcomed new meeting attendees Todd Milton and Casey Bennett from Pineview Run Auto & Country Club.

Ed Leubner made a motion to accept the minutes of the June meeting. The motion was seconded by “All” and approved by unanimous voice vote.

Regional Executive's Report
R.E Ed Leubner contacted the Mustang club regarding the July 15th Cars & Coffee. The Mustang Club will not be holding the event as it conflicts with the Syracuse Nationals. We need to look at a new date to partner with the Mustang Club.
The timing light receiver’s list for $87 and the emitters list for $61, Karl will research purchasing them for a better price.
Moving over to a wireless system needs more conversations at another time.
SCCA national sent an email blast reporting they will start supplying insurance coverage for workers at select “NON” SCCA events.

Assistant Regional Executive's Report
A.R.E. Mark Bizzozero has been under the weather lately which is resulted in his missing the last solo event. He is feeling better and plans on attending the next event. Still working to get a new motor for the Mini.

Treasurer's Report
Treasurer Jay Cartini reported year-to-date revenue is 2X more than receivables. Jay asked if all invoices have been submitted. The current club account balance is $15,081.93 which places the club in a positive condition. Jay added a 2nd club advertisement with Apex for the Summer issue at $250.00. It was determined that the pricing for Spring/Summer advertising within Apex is more cost effective than just placing a Spring ad.
The trailer registration is complete and in the hands of Scott Newton.

Secretary's Report
Secretary Chris Whaley reported that Dennis Hesse from CNY PCA is interested in holding a “Tire Rack, Street Survival Event” in Rome at Griffiss Air Force Base next year with a date TBD in the summer. CNY PCA would like to work with CNY SCCA for the event. He has already secured permission from the administration for the site and PCA national will provide a grant to CNY PCA to operate the event. CNY SCCA is interested and would like Dennis to present his proposal to CNY SCCA upon his deployment next spring.

Activities Report
Activities Chair Ted Barbuto announced that the “Inaugural Lee Hidy Memorial Picnic” is all arranged for August 16th with the menu to be the same as last season. Cost is: $10.00 per adult & $5.00 per child 12 and under. The event will be at the Onondaga Yacht Club from 6 pm to 8 pm.

Solo Report
Solo Chair Scott Newton reported that batteries still need to be ordered while a large order of 100 cones (5 boxes) was placed.
After the 1st Solo event at Cayuga Community College it appears that many in attendance were from the Rochester area… resulting with the Top 3 in points being from the Rochester area.
Finger lakes lost the MVCC location leaving them with the Xerox space which is expensive. They still have 2 events scheduled at Xerox while the rest are out-of-region. Thus, we will be welcoming many more Finger lakes members at our Solo events.
It seems that we do not have a signed contract with Cayuga Community College for the site, but the administration is aware of our usage of the site.
Mike Donofrio commented that the Cherry Valley repave may have some impact on cars running on the new surface.

RallyCross Report
RallyCross Chair James Quattro reported a new layout at CNYRP was being reviewed today at the track.
Future events at Rolling wheels will be moved to another location.
The next RallyCross event will be August 20th followed by September 23rd & 24th at CNYRP with these followed by events on October 14th & 15th, then finishing the season on December 10th.

Flagging and Communications Report
Mick Levy reported he had the experience of being interviewed during the “Majors Race”. Congratulations Mick… Mick described how the Sahlen 6 hrs. & the Regional SCCA race (over 150 cars in attendance) went off smoothly, while Zone 1’s PCA “The Clash” not as good, with many cars damaged in a major wreck at the top of the esses.

Racing Report
No Report.
Membership Report Membership Chair Andrew Beyer was not in attendance. R.E Ed Leubner reported
Members with Anniversary’s:
Bill Anderson - 15 yrs, Leo Sawyer-14 yrs.

Old Business
No Old Business
Special Guest Speakers:
Todd Milton and Casey Bennett from Pineview Run Auto & Country Club joined us to detail their new Private Club opening in Otisco, just 5 minutes from Beacon Skiff Apple Farm.
This new facility will have a 1.1 mile by 30 ft wide paved track placed on 122 acres. The country club is offering ATV & Horseback trail ridding, snowmobile & Cross-country skiing, Kid’s go karts, Skeet & Pheasant shooting. The club is tailored to be a “Celebration” of CNY and its attractions of year-round fun. The club will maintain “on site” the resources for all activities and will be included in the membership. The restaurant / dining experience will be “Top Notch” according to Todd.
It will be a “Small Club” with various levels of membership; the highest level is the Family/Corporate membership, next is the Gold membership (intended for family of 2), then the Silver membership (intended for a single person), finally the Bronze level.
A special membership is designed for CNY car clubs and is based around the Bronze level.
Ground breaking occurred 2 weeks ago on the track (1st priority) with a Soft Opening planned for October. The club house will be started this fall with completion scheduled for Spring 2018.
If you would like more details please feel free to visit the club website;

New Business
Rex Franklin is holding a party at his usual party place on Saturday, July 15th at 6 pm.
Jay noted Kristi Trailer has made an offer to install a window in the club trailer at a reduced cost. Jay Cartini will follow up with them.
Sponsorship on the trailer needs to be finalized so a wrap can be completed. Rex Franklin will be gathering another quote for the wrap from a source he has available.

The winner of the 50/50 raffle was Jay Cartini... Jay took home the princely sum of $11.

At 8:25PM a motion was made by Rex Franklin to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Ed Leubner and passed unanimously.

Our next meeting will be the Picnic held Wednesday, August 16th, 2017 at the Onondaga Yacht Club, in Liverpool at 6:00PM.

Respectfully submitted by Chris Whaley

Copyright © 2025, Central NY Region, SCCA, Inc.