Meeting Minutes For CNYR SCCA, Wed., Sept. 12, 2012

The meeting was called to order by R.E. Mike Donofrio at 7:16 p.m.

Mike Donofrio welcomed everyone to our first regular business meeting since July, as in August we held our annual picnic at the Onondaga Yacht Club on Onondaga lake.
Mike said he thought from comments that everyone enjoyed the evening and the food.
Mike said he has heard from one potential R.E. candidate and has hopes that other candidates for office will step forward before the nominating committee presents its report in Oct.
Other than that, Mike had nothing new to report.

Ed Leubner reminded the members of the upcoming Mini-Con to be held Nov. 9-11 at the Ramada in Ithaca, New York and sponsored through the Glen Region, SCCA.
Ed also reported that during the recent SVRA weekend at Watkins Glen (Sept. 7, 8, 9) he enjoyed displaying and driving his 1965 Mustang coupe.
Ed drove the Mustang on a road rally and around the Watkins Glen track, thoroughly enjoying the experience.
With the Mustang parked next to Mick Levy's 1965 Barracuda in the American Legion parking lot, the members that attended the meeting got a pleasant eye full of mid-60's machinery.

Bob Holcomb made a motion to approve the July meeting minutes as reported in Snarling Exhaust.
Dave Kicak seconded, motion carried.
Bob mentioned that the Sept. issue of SportsCar had a listing of race worker incentive participants and that one CNYR member had made the article, that member happened to be himself for working 12-19 days.
Brag, brag, brag.....

Jay Cartini said the region has made donations to Gigi's Playhouse (described in the July Snarling Exhaust) and to the Jamesville-Dewitt Youth Athletic Assoc. in memory of John Goss a former SCCA racer who recently passed away.

Mick Levy reported that the SVRA event at Watkins Glen was very well attended, both in car and spectator count.
Mick worked Start/Finish at the track and also helped in the events downtown, while Bob Holcomb flagged at the track.
He reminded the members that the Finger Lakes Region "Fun One" was coming up the weekend of Sept. 14, 15. 16 and is usually the best attended SCCA weekend at The Glen.
The Glen Region is sponsoring a Driver School and Regional the weekend of Oct. 5, 6 and 7, 2012.

Mark Bizzozero said the recent dual event at Cherry Valley went well, with multiple track conditions due to the weather varying between wet and dry.
The daytime even had 56 entrants with each getting in roughly 5 runs, while the nighttime portion had 18 entrants getting in roughly 7 runs each.
Our next event will be Sept. 16 at the New York State Fairgrounds.
The CNYR SOLO van is already in place at the facility.
Mark also said that there will be a slight change in parking lot location for our final event at Shoppingtown Mall, due to relocation of a motorcycle group also using the facility.
On a personal note, Mark attended a "track day" testing of the new Scion FR-S coupe at Monticello raceway and apparently caught the attention of one instructor with his foot technique. Obviously the instructor was unaware that Mark is a pretty darn good SOLO driver and not just a Toyota brand salesperson who sticks to the sale floor.

Jim Quattro reported that the July event held at the Walczyk farm in Weedsport was challenging due to the dry and dusty conditions, which made visibility a challenge.
Jim also reported that after an event at the Fulton Speedway, it was decided not to return to that venue due to sandy conditions that made running almost impossible.
The NEDIV Rally Cross Championships will be held near Allentown, PA in Oct. with specific dates not available at meeting time.
The bad news from Rally Cross was the fact that our generator that powers the timing equipment broke down and it needs to be determined if it is cheaper to repair or replace.
Also our SOLO van may need some suspension repair and/or load redistribution.
Nate Walczyk was to meet with the SOLO and RALLY CROSS Chairs and R.E. post meeting to discuss various HONDA generators that his family business has available.
An update will be available by our next meeting.

Dave Kicak will be driving at the upcoming Finger Lakes Region "Fun One" sharing drives in Glen Region member Ed Zubrowski's Miata.

Rob Sgarlata was absent but Scott Newton gave the report for Rob.
First, Rob will be honored to run for Activities Director again.
He will be contacting Nestico's about holding our annual awards banquet there in January.
Always good food and a good time.


Scott Newton mentioned that there is a new approx. 2 mile road course near Oneonta, built as a motorcycle safety training course.
Perhaps a SOLO location?
Rex Franklin mentioned that the Central New York Raceway Park is seeking approval to hold horse racing events on the half mile dirt track portion of the facility.
Jim Quattro inquired as to the prospect of creating a "Quartermaster" for the club equipment.
Much discussion followed with the general consensus that each group using the equipment was to be held responsible for it until it was passed on to the next group.
Paul Grover had been doing some "early fall garage cleaning" and brought several like-new items, from a steering wheel to a radio and more, which he auctioned off at the meeting with proceeds going to the region.

Rex Franklin made a motion to adjourn.
Mark Bizzozero seconded, motion carried, meeting adjourned at 8:33 p.m.

Submitted by:
Bob Holcomb, Sec. CNYR SCCA

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