Meeting Minutes For CNYR SCCA, Wed., Oct. 10, 2012

The meeting was called to order by R.E. Mike Donofrio at 7:17 p.m.

Mike Donofrio said that after approx. seven years as R.E. he now realized he has just two more meetings left as R.E.
A short discussion of events from the past years followed.
Mike suggested that for the future we need to get out and actively seek more sponsors for our events.
He also stated that the next R.E., expected to be Scott Newton, is a good man for the position, as he is very active in the activities of the club and knows it's ins and outs.
It was suggested that the long ago monthly meetings of directors and officers be re-established as a way of keeping the region healthy and pointed in the right direction for growth.
This will be looked into.
Mike said he is looking forward to helping the region as a volunteer vs. leader.
Mike also mentioned a Fun Walk/Run to be held Oct. 20th, 2012 at nearby Onondaga Lake Park to promote the soon to be opened Gigi's Playhouse, a support facility for those with Down Syndrome and their families.

Ed Leubner discussed how much he enjoyed a recent driving weekend at Watkins Glen International in his Miata.
Both wet and dry conditions added to his experience.
Ed said that at a recent SOLO event at the New York State Fairgrounds he had a discussion with a participant that may lead to more safety improvements for future events.

Bob Holcomb made a motion asking for approval of the meeting minutes for Sept. as they appeared on our web-site and Snarling Exhaust.
Mark Bizzozero seconded, motion carried.
Bob said he would have some additional things under Mick Levy's F&C report.

Jay Cartini was absent, no report.
Dave Kicak asked if a balance could be given when treasurer reports are given as this is often forgotten.
Mike Donofrio said this will be mentioned to Jay at our next meeting.

Mark Bizzozero reported that so far this year six of our seven events have turned a profit with the New York State Fairgrounds event losing around $400. The main reason for this is their increase in fees to use the facility, now over $1,700 as with approx. 65 entries we had a good turn out and entrants received approx. seven runs each.
Scott Newton asked if changing an event at the Fairgrounds to a day/night event might bring in enough extra entrants to cover the costs, but the general feeling was that it wouldn't.
New venues are being looked for to cover the 2013 season.
Scott Newton said he checked with Syracuse University in regard to using some parking lots and was told, "no".
Lee Hidy asked about a small airport near Weedsport but Mark said it was in use seven days a week and was very narrow, although it is paved.
Green Lakes and Central New York Raceway Park are also being looked into.
Scott Newton mentioned that some of our region helmets have reached their expiration dating and will need replacing for 2013.
Jon Coffin asked about changing to a wireless timing system for our SOLO program.
Scott Newton said costs have come down but it would still be approx. twice the cost of a wired system.
This will be looked into.
Ed Leubner said car numbers need to be improved as many are difficult to read from the timing van.
Ed also reported than when working on course, flaggers need to be reminded that when there is a red flag situation, everyone must display the red, not just near the incident.
Lee Hidy said that for tech inspections, a roving tech inspector seemed to work better than having all cars teched at one paddock location and that using a card system with imput into a computer for record keeping would be advantageous.
Scott Newton said that at the recent Glen Region sponsored SOLO at WGI, laminated sheets were given to each worker with a job description and other pertinent data.
All thought this was a good idea for future CNYR events.
Leo Sawyer requested that a pre-season SOLO meeting be held to discuss the priorities for our 2013 season.
Mark Bizzozero said that our final event will be at Shoppingtown and that our SOLO van is currently at J&J Auto for repair.

Jim Quattro said he had a recent conference call between SCCA NATIONAL and about 12 other RALLY CROSS chair persons.
They discussed what was working and what wasn't and in general it was the same situation across the country,
low entries, and getting workers.
Jim said season passes have helped bring in repeat entries locally and other regions are also using similar methods.
For some events, National has changed their title to "Challenge" from "Championship" and Jim felt this was causing lower entries based on the event not being considered as a championship level event.
Our next events will be at the Walczyk farm in Weedsport on November 11th and December 9th.
The December event will be a double points event.
For 2013 Jim suggested that SOLO equipment and RALLY CROSS equipment be kept separate instead of shared.
He is also looking for assistants for 2013.

Mick Levy mentioned the recent Glen Region sponsored "Last Chance" weekend, which included a Driver School, Regional racing and PRO-IT racing, including a 4 HR enduro on Sunday.
Official race results had not yet been posted on the Glen Region web-site by the time of our meeting.
Among CNYR entrants were Lucas and Joseph Catania along with Jim Wells, Jim Ocuto and Jeff Knittel.
Upcoming events at WGI include the Vintage Racing Group the weekend of Oct. 12, 13, 14, which includes the F1600 and F2000 series.
Then the North American Road Racing Assoc. the weekend of Oct. 19, 20, 21 finishes out the season at WGI.
CNYR member and traveling flagger Chris Forte will be reducing his usual yearly travels to Lime Rock, Sebring and Montreal as he is engaged to be married...congrats Chris, but you need to get your bride-to-be race oriented.
Mick said that a Chump Car race is scheduled for April 12, 13, 14, 2013 at WGI and should be a 7 hour race on Saturday and another 7 hour race on Sunday.
Jon Coffin gave some helpful hints to reduce costs should any CNYR member chose to enter the event.

Rob Sgarlata said we will be actively seeking a new venue for our January banquet as Nestico's in North Syracuse has changed their schedule and will now be open on Sundays, which had been our traditional date.
Suggestions will be gladly accepted.
The 50-50 drawing was won by Mike Donofrio for $15.

Jon Coffin reported on the recent Chump Car race held at Nelson Ledges with a 25 hour, 25 minute, 25 second format.
Jon and Karl Hughes along with others attempted to conquer the course in Karl's BMW.
Of 49 starters, they made it into the top five before the engine expired over 5 hours into the event.
Mick Levy asked about the recently opened track near Oneonta NY.
It is actually near Davenport east of Oneonta and is approx. 2.0-2.1 mi and is not designed for current use for example by groups like SCCA, as flag stations, guard rails and so on are not in place yet.
Per Scott Newton it is designed to be run either clockwise or counter clockwise.


Mike Gagliardi said Central New York Raceway Park is coming along, with permits being currently submitted and much clearing work has been done to prepare for paving.
Scott Newton and other members have been to the POLE POSITION go-kart facility at Destiny USA.
The karts are electric and respond similarly to gas powered karts per Scott.
Annual memberships are available to keep costs in line.
Bob Holcomb asked about ordering new merchandise for the club, such as hats, tees with our logo.
This will be looked into.
Dave Kicak mentioned that SCCA class records for WGI have been dropped and Dave was wondering why this would have happened.
Supposedly it was due to a change in the Start/Finish location.
John Walsh, Area Ten Gov. may be checking into this.

Mike Gagliardi made a motion to adjourn.
Lee Hidy seconded, motion carried, meeting adjourned at 8:54 p.m.

Submitted by Bob Holcomb, Sec.

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