The meeting was called to order at 7:16 p.m. by R.E. Scott Newton.
Scott Newton said he had submitted a letter to the Oneida County Airport regarding obtaining the use of the facility for future SOLO events.
He had not received a reply as of the meeting date.
A portion of the property is in current use as a training facility for various law inforcement and safety groups.
Ed Leubner said he had recently been at Watkins Glen for a track day during the N.A.S.A. weekend and enjoyed it.
Ed said he had submitted a letter of intended use to Central New York Raceway Park in the name of the region.
It included SOLO and club racing.
Ed also attended a meeting on Sept. 23rd to discuss the facility and said it was mainly attended by proposed contractors, groups involved in harness racing and so forth.
Jay Cartini reported that all monies due are in except for one SOLO sponsor and he will contact them.
Otherwise bills and accounts are up to date.
Scott Newton said that Evan Haas was approached by an individual who wanted to have a revolving ad on our web-site.
It would involve access to our web-site by the advertiser to make weekly or monthly updates to the ad.
This will be looked into further.
Jay said that the Rally Cross program, despite low entries earlier in 2013 is still running at a break even level and with the new fall through spring schedule, income may increase to a profitable vs. break even level.
Bob Holcomb asked for a motion that the minutes for Sept. be approved as they appeared on our web-site.
Mark Bizzozero seconded, motion carried.
Bob said that former (and hopefully once again) CNY member Chris Forte after his marriage in May will become a daddy in March of 2014.
Congrats Chris, now get back into SCCA and F&C.
Bob said that he was AFM to Mick Levy's FM at the recent Glen Region "Last Chance" weekend.
The weather was typical fall WGI, cool, foggy, wet, windy, warm, blue sky, all in the same weekend.
Mick Levy said that the last race weekend of the season at WGI was coming up, VRG, or Vintage Racing Group.
Mick reported that we recently lost Bish Hines (WNY) and Stu Luther (GLEN), two long time fixtures at WGI.
Jon Coffin said that Chump Car has two dates for WGI for 2014.
Mick & Bob had heard April and November, but Jon said he heard Memorial Weekend for the first event and hadn't heard a date for the second.
Memorial weekend makes sense as Glen Region dropped it's option on that date for 2014.
Rob Sgarlata said he will be booking Borio's Restaurant in Cicero for our annual banquet as he had good reports from members regarding our banquet held there last January.
The actual date and time will be announced when available.
Andrew Beyer was absent, no report.
Jim Quattro was absent, no report.
Scott Newton added that the next event will be October 13th at the Walczyk farm, followed by a November 17th date.
Mark Bizzozero reported that the previous events were fun, with a total of 18 runs for the day/night event on Sept. 21st and a fun, although very wet event at Shoppingtown on October 6th.
For the winter, our SOLO van will be stored at the Walczyk farm.
Ted Barbuto questioned whether one of the back lots near DestiNY USA could be used for SOLO.
Apparently the lot is actually owned by the City of Syracuse, but maintained by DestiNY and it is yet to be determined who has the authority to authorize or deny it's use.
A question was asked concerning track layout for SOLO and Scott Newton said that in certain cases, the size of the lot and obstructions such as light poles, barriers, etc. determine the course layout.
A letter to Green Lakes concerning use of the facility has gone unanswered at this point.
The next event date is set for November 3rd at Shoppingtown.
Mark Bizzozero asked for opinions on the type of awards for SOLO and hats were approved over tee-shirts by general discussion.
Mark said that as of the Sept. meeting, E-Mod was the only class where the top 3 finishers were not already determined.
Mike Gagliardi said that M&T Bank looks like the major financial institution backing Central New York Raceway Park.
As Ed Leubner mentioned, letters of use were sent to CNYRP in the name of CNYR SCCA.
All necessary permits will be in place by February, 2014, including environmental studies and economic impact studies.
New York State has approved monies for transforming a now closed rest area into a I-81 south bound entry to the facility and may develop a new north bound entry off of Rte I-81 as well.
There will be a town meeting on CNYRP and Mike said members will be notified so they may attend the meeting.
It is hoped that the dirt oval will be ready for events in 2014 and the road course in 2015.
Changes to the course design, necessary to meet certain mandates from the State means a permanent road course design is still in the working stage.
Joh Coffin made a motion that CNYR SCCA pay for Lee Hidy to attend the SCCA National Convention in Charlotte, NC in March of 2014.
Mike Donofrio seconded, motion carried.
50/50 RAFFLE:
Won by Mike Gagliardi for $15.
Motion to adjourn made by Mike (take the money and run) Gagliardi.
Seconded by Rob Sgarlata.
Motion carried, meeting adjourned at 8:29 p.m. by R.E. Scott Newton.
Submitted by Bob Holcomb, Sec.